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We provide publications that cover the coroners process, information for families immediately following the reporting of a death of a loved one, and information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Find and download our publications.

  • Practice Direction 5 of 2011 - Briefing Counsel to Assist

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 5 of 2011 - Briefing Counsel to Assist.

  • Practice Direction 5 of 2014 - Listings

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 5 of 2014 - Listings pursuant to section 107 of the Coroners Act 2008.

  • Practice Direction 5 of 2020 - Directions Hearings in Mandatory Inquests

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 5 of 2020 - Directions Hearings in Mandatory Inquests

  • Practice Direction 6 of 2011 - Directions Hearing

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 6 of 2011 - Directions Hearing.

  • Practice Direction 6 of 2014 - Medical records

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 6 of 2014 - Medical records pursuant to section 107 of the Coroners Act 2008.

  • Practice Direction 6 of 2020 - Aboriginal Passings in Custody, updated May 2024

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 6 of 2020 - Aboriginal Passings in Custody, updated 14 May 2024

  • Practice Direction 7 of 2014 - Coronial Briefs

    This docuemnt is a copy of Practice Direction 7 of 2014 - Coronial briefs pursuant to section 107 of the Coroners Act 2008.

  • Practice Direction 8 of 2011 - Opening inquests into "police contact" deaths

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 8 of 2011 - Opening inquests into "police contact deaths.

  • Practice Direction 9 of 2011 - Regional coroner referrals

    This document is a copy of Practice Direction 9 of 2011 - Regional coroner referrals

  • Practice Note 1 of 2024 - Pronunciation of Names and Forms of Address in Coronial Proceedings

    The Coroners Court of Victoria recognises that the correct pronunciation of names and forms of address during court proceedings is a matter of respect and is an important component of ensuring public confidence in the proper administration of justice.

    The State Coroner of Victoria has authorised the issue of the following Practice Note to:

    (a) provide guidance on expectations for the correct pronunciation of names and forms of address in coronial proceedings; and

    (b) facilitate a simple process by which families, interested parties and legal representatives can provide, and the Court can seek, clarification on correct pronunciation of names and appropriate forms of address.