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Orders and Rulings

A coroner may make an order or ruling regarding an investigation, or during an inquest.

Orders and rulings are not written findings. They can include, but are not limited to:

  • a non-publication order restricting the release or publication of some information
  • a ruling to re-open an investigation
  • a ruling on whether the coroner has jurisdiction to investigate.

For cases where a non-publication order is in place please call 1300 309 519 and speak to our Communications Manager to obtain a copy.

Orders and rulings list

Case Id Name Type Date Sort ascending Coroner Expiry date Download PDF
COR 2022 005263 Clinton William Austin Ruling on scope of inquest Coroner Ingrid Giles Order and Ruling
COR 2021 004138 Richard Paul Devlin Ruling as to whether an inquest should be held Coroner Ingrid Giles Order and Ruling
COR 2023 1115 Unknown Unknown Ruling as to whether a death is reportable Coroner Paul Lawrie Order and Ruling

Human tissue, unidentified remains, human tissue act, schools of anatomy

COR 2021 3810 XY Non-Publication Order Coroner Simon McGregor Order and Ruling
COR 2015 4327, COR 2016 2914, COR 2017 1028 & COR 2017 2630 Child 1, 2, 3 & 4 Non-Publication Order State Coroner Judge John Cain Order and Ruling
COR 2015 4327, COR 2016 2914, COR 2017 1028 & COR 2017 2630 Child 1, 2, 3 & 4 Ruling on application to make suppression order State Coroner Judge John Cain Order and Ruling
COR 2020 4101 St Basil's Inquiry Ruling on application to be excused from giving evidence State Coroner Judge John Cain Order and Ruling
COR 2017 6084 Non-Publication Order Coroner Phillip Byrne Order and Ruling
COR 2017 0325 Inquest into the deaths of Matthew Poh Chuan Si, Thalia Hakin, Yosuke Kanno, Jess Mudie, Zachary Matthew Bryant and Bhavita Patel Non-Publication Order Coroner Jacqui Hawkins Order and Ruling
COR 2017 0325 Inquest into the deaths of Matthew Poh Chuan Si, Thalia Hakin, Yosuke Kanno, Jess Mudie, Zachary Matthew Bryant and Bhavita Patel Non-Publication Order Coroner Jacqui Hawkins Order and Ruling